Sharing Happiness
By Khazima Munaf
Lack of tolerance in this society is the prime reason for the absence of love and peace here,’ said Naheed Wasi, head of the Institute of Early Childhood Education and Development (IECED). She believes that these three factors are closely interlinked and should be promoted and protected to ensure a stable and progressive nation. The institute has enshrined interfaith harmony through its policies and conducts since there are people of all faiths and sects part of the establishment; both as employees and as students for education workshops that it holds.
Since Pakistan is a theocratic state where religious occasions are celebrated on a grand scale, IECED celebrates festivals of other faiths and sects with equal zeal and zest. This is why they gathered their small group of teachers, students and fellow workers and believers of interfaith harmony to their office and celebrated Christmas. Beautiful decorations that set a cozy feel to the environment and with carols being sung, the reading of Sermon on the mountain from the bible was like a cherry on the top. Many spoke on the importance of symbols like the Christmas tree, the star and Santa.
All Christian students, employees and guests were even given gifts arranged by the organization from Muslims, Hindus, Bohris, Ahmadis, etc. after which the cake was cut to enjoy the meal arranged. Looking around, I see many smiling faces. Some Christians shared their astonishment by mentioning that this was their first celebration of Christmas with people from other faiths. We all hold our beliefs close to our hearts. What we forget are the lessons of love and humanity common to all of them. After all, love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.