10 Lessons We Learnt From Kung Fu Panda 3

By Alice Peter

7 April 2016

Released in Pakistan on March 18 was the best example of educational media messages wrapped in an entertainment package; the kind of messages that children always remember. In fact, most of these messages are of significance even to grown- ups. Produced by DreamWorks Animation, Kung Fu Panda 3 is a treat to watch no matter how old one is. The movie opens with Po’s journey as a Dragon Warrior, and encompasses the obstacles he faces as the world is under attack from Master Oogway’s old pal. Here, we look at the lessons one can learn from the movie:

1) The more you take, the less you have

The wise words of Master Oogway sum up the teachings of all monotheistic religions in the world. If one is always greedy for more, then all that they have will never be blessed. This is where the difference between being rich as opposed to being blessed comes from.

2) It is imperative to eat up to your full potential

So Po always felt like he was not eating up to his full potential. And guess what, he wasn’t. Food is at the heart of all good things in life; don’t let Vogue fool you.

3) Being different is not a bad thing

Every person is built with an exclusive set of strengths. If one’s set of strengths does not match that of others, then there is no need to be disheartened or disillusioned; trying something else, and keeping the spirit alive is all it takes to identify one’s capabilities.

4) Strike a balance

Our lives are never static. They are constantly changing, and so are we. We keep growing, moving on and finding news hobbies. But that does not mean we completely distance ourselves from what we used to be like. Without embracing your past, there is no way you can move forward in life.

5) Follow your passion

Po’s adoptive father, Mr. Ping, never lets go of his passion for cooking. Not only does he use his passion to express his love and affection to his adopted son, but he also uses his passion to run a profitable business.

6) Teachers play a very important role in your life

They may scream and scold, but they only do so because they want us to be better. They push us because they know we can do better. And most importantly, they teach us so we can be better than them one day. Hence, the example set by our very own Master Shifu and the results evident in Po mastering chi.

7) There is more power in unity

Po could have either gone at it alone and lost, or he could have decided to seek help from his panda clan: of course, he did the latter. And we all know how that worked out. Taking help from others does not make anyone less of a hero; it only makes you more human.

8) Never underestimate your enemy

Letting down your guard is the ultimate damage you can cause to yourself and others. Being overconfident can make you lose.

9) Strength is temporary, but wisdom is forever

There was no comparison between Kai’s strength and that of Po. But who won? Po did. Hence, the importance of strategy and wisdom can never be overlooked or taken lightly.

10) Good always prevails over evil

The basis upon which the laws of the universe are centered; strive towards goodness, evil has no future.

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