The Great Chase to Eid

By Nain Tara

With Eid-ul-Fitr closing in soon, shopping craze has reached its peak as people are thronging markets and shopping malls to buy clothes, shoes, bangles, henna, cosmetics, jewelry, and Eid cards.

Heavy rush can be witnessed mostly after Isha prayers around all major shopping areas of the city which has increased business with the restoration of peace.

With tailors hiking prices to sky-limits, people are found more inclined to buying readymade garments.

Not surprisingly, nothing has succeeded in keeping ladies away from the bazaars; neither the heat nor the rush, neither their wailing munchkins nor their grunting husbands or in-laws.

This is precisely the sentiments traders have been relying on with the billions incurred after getting the markets flooded daily with fresh items.

We used to get struck with this level of madness only twice seasonally but thanks to the retail therapy ideals and sales on brands now trending yearly, these grim sights have become common.

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